How To Set Default Download Location For Htc Phone

In 'Manage Applications' if I look at the stock HTC SMS app (Messages) the 'Launch by default' section is greyed out and says 'No defaults set'. Same thing when I look at the 'Application info' for Handcent. The problem this is causing me is that I can't set a 'default' SMS app in the GOTO lock screen app.

How To Set Default Download Location For Htc Phone To Pc

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Aug 22, 2010

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Mar 12, 2014

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I have tried factory reset different ways without any result, there is still only opportunity to keep apps in internal storage or SD-card. In storagesdcard0 is external SD-card and sdcard1 is phone storage.

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HTC Incredible :: Format Phone Storage Vs Clear Storage

May 13, 2010

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HTC Incredible :: Internal Storage Vs Phone Storage

Jun 7, 2010

Sorry if this is a complete NOOB question, but what is the difference between the internal storage which is 6.6GB and the phone storage, which is about 750MB? How do I access the 6.6GM of storage? What am I missing here?

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May 5, 2010

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General :: Can Change Gnex To USB Mass Storage From PC

Jun 19, 2012
How To Set Default Download Location For Htc Phone

I dropped my Gnex for the thousandth time, exceot this time my screen decided to not turn on... since my phone doesn't have an sd card all my data is locked in there. My touch screen doesn't work so i cant just try to wing it from memory, so now I'm wondering if there is some magical way i can turn on mass storage vie my PC, unless there's another way to get my stuff off my phone.

HTC Incredible :: Market No Longer Showing Free Apps In My Downloads

Oct 14, 2010

Don't know what happened but the my downloads section looks like it does after a factory reset, with all the free downloads not listed, the difference though is that if I search for them in the market, they all still show as installed. anyone have any ideas?

HTC Incredible :: Google Talk Error / Market Apps Downloads

May 8, 2010

Anyone lately get the Google talk authentication error notification repeatedly and find that they can no longer download apps from the Android market? Mine is going on the third day now and endless Google searches reveal that this problem has affected various Android devices worldwide, including the Incredible that just came out. I've tried all kind of suggestions but none work and there doesn't seem to be any official response from Google on the matter. I wonder if it is a hardware problem since these forums are not buzzing on these issues at all. In my case the phone worked perfectly for 2 days after activating and knowing how high the demand has been surely more people would be experiencing the same issues were it a device or cloud software problem. If anyone else has the same problems please post here.

HTC Desire :: Change Location ?

Jun 24, 2010

When my phone does not have a connection, it defaults to an address that I had prior to getting the Desire. When GPS is on I get my correct location. Where is it finding my old address and how do I change it?

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Just I wanna change my location on map to fake place .. then when enable facebook location make them fake location..Any app can do that or method?

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I want to point to different location, that might be

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Android :: Change Save Location

How To Set Default Download Location For Htc Phones

Apr 8, 2010

Now I know I'm going to feel stupid after hearing this answer probably.Anyway is there a setting for changing the save location for the market apps because they keep saving to the phone and I would like them to save to my sd card. I am using the motorolla droid.

HTC Hero :: Cant Change Location On Clock

Dec 6, 2009

I have 2 clocks displayed on my hero, one is the home location (Chesterfield) and the other clock says Barlborough which is about 3 miles away, I can change my home location to say london, Tokyo etc but not the Barlborough one, I cant even remember how it got there in the first place nevermind change it.

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Sep 30, 2010

I know there is an app that can change your phone to vibrate and do other things based on your location but i cant for the life of me find it.

Android :: Change Geo Location On Phone For Debugging

Apr 24, 2010

I want to change the geo location on my Droid phone for debugging purposes. How can I do this?

Android :: Change Installing Location Programmatically?

Oct 17, 2010

I as i know we can change the installing location With android SDK , using USB cable But i wanna know is it possible to change the installing location Programmatically? is it yes how?

KitKat 4.4 :: How To Change Default Download Location

Jun 3, 2014

Is there a way to change the default download directory for anything I download such as attachments, pdfs, etc? Android 4.4.2. Seemingly simple thing but I couldn't find it.
Is there a geeky user manual for Kit Kat?

How can I set an external SD card as the default storage location for music as well as for pictures in an LG L80 which is running Android 4.4?

When I receive music or a pic from Bluetooth, it directly goes to internal memory. It doesn’t show me an option to set the storage path to an external SD card. It doesn’t even show “move” or “copy” option (for music and pics).

I can understand apps can’t be moved, but music, songs can be.

How To Set Default Download Location For Htc Phone Free

Can anyone please help me regarding this.

How To Set Default Download Location For Htc Phone Number

  1. i think You need a 3rd party application because the location with the included bluetooth receiver the location cant be changed
    Bluetooth File Transfer

  2. You can try using a file manager like ES File Explorer to move music and images from bluetooth folder to SD card.

  3. As far as I know, you cannot natively change the storage location settings for Bluetooth shares. In order to move the files to another location, you need to use a file manager, such as ES File Explorer, to locate the Bluetooth share folder, and then move the files to a location of your choice. Unless you use a third party app for Bluetooth file transfers that allow changing the default location, you manually have to move the files after each transfer.